Posted in advice, Family, Goals, self worth

Accept The Compliment

As a veterinary technician, I work in a field that is heavily dominated by women.  While there are a fair amount of fellas around and more are venturing our way every day, it is still mostly women.  I think this is really great.  Women have the amazing ability to be strong and fierce, while also somehow being loving and caring.  In the clinic that I work in, the owner is a male veterinary surgeon.  Our other surgeon on staff is a powerful and accomplished female, though she’d be damned if she’d let you recognize her for that.  The rest of the staff with the exception of 1 man are all female technicians or assistants.  Every single person that works in our clinic is great at what they do.  We are a cohesive unit, a well-oiled machine.  We get the job done and we do it well every single day.  Our patients feel the love and confidence in our abilities. We get compliments regularly from our peers and clients about our exceptional care and service. We are over here just doing the dang thing! Continue reading “Accept The Compliment”

Posted in Family, Goals, self worth

How to Maintain a Positive Outlook

I’m going to be real with you right now, it’s been a long week. I had to survive on 4 hours of sleep two nights in a row and boy did that just mess with me. I had to work late one night to train a new employee. Then, I was up late the next night doing preparations for Thanksgiving. Additionally, our washer suddenly became non-responsive and needs a new switchboard or control panel or something like that. But, it isn’t a part that you can just replace. Oh no. They don’t make them anymore.  So you have to send it in and wait 8-10 days for them to fix it. To top it all off, my check engine light has been on in my car and despite two trips to the mechanic, it’s still on. Uff-dah! Continue reading “How to Maintain a Positive Outlook”